2018-19 Slade School of Fine Art BA degree show installation – Glamorous Approach 1, 2, 3 & 4 – 212 x 152cm each Untitled (bike collage), acrylic on fabric, 200 x 170cm Howdy, acrylic on fabric, 89.5 x 65cm JPG, acrylic on fabric, 160 x 170cm Stamp, acrylic on fabric, 122 x 122cm Glamorous Approach Collage, acrylic and collage textile on fabric, 212 x 152cm CheckHer Out, embroidery, garment and acrylic on aluminium panel, 130 x 140cm HAMA T, embroidery and acrylic on denim, 51 x 51cm Holiday Expansion Pack, acrylic on denim & acrylic on fabric, 144 x 400 cm. Figure – 212 x 60cm Holiday Expansion Pack detail Morgan De Toi, acrylic on tartan frame, 17.5 x 22cm Dotty, acrylic and tape on frame, 15 x 20cm Mid Wash Wilbur, acrylic on frame and denim, 120 x 50cm Forest Fresh, embroidery, hand made dice, acrylic and coloured pencil, 42 x 48 x 12cm Untitled (Denim Bin Bag), acrylic, bleach and denim, 61 x 61cm L’indifferent, embroidery and beads, 60 x 35cm Slade School of Fine Art studio Click to see 2014-17 works © Hannah Tilson. All rights reserved. 2023